
These pages, together with those on weather-uk, are maintained by Philip Eden, and contain a substantial amount of original material, work in progress, and a growing quantity of historical information.


On this site can be found daily, monthly, and yearly records for the observing sites at Hampstead in north London, Luton and Whipsnade, both in Beds, and Chesham in Bucks.


this site contains UK-wide summaries of the weather month by month, plus day-to-day monitoring of several climatic variables, including the Central England Temperature (CET), England and Wales rainfall (EWP), and England and Wales sunshine (EWSS). There are also monthly charts of sea-level pressure and anomaly, covering Europe and the North Atlantic, circulation indices for the British Isles, and more.

Last Month's Climatology:

Mean pressure during October was below normal in all parts of the country, and the Icelandic Low was displaced southwards to 56N 29W. Pressure was high over Green- land and also over the Balkans. The mean flow over the UK was SW-ly, and the anomalous flow was S-SE-ly. This was the warmest October since 2006, the dullest since 2005, and the wettest since 2000.

Mean pressure during November was above normal in all parts of the country with anomalies ranging from 0.0 in Shetland to +8.0 in southwest Ireland. The anomalous flow was N-ly over England and Wales and NW-ly over Scotland and Northern Ireland. This was the sunniest November since 2006

Weather forecast: UK


A dry but cloudy start for the southeast, patchy rain in the north and west spreading south-eastwards with further heavy rain reaching western areas later. Winds strengthening with widespread gales for all and severe gales across northern and western areas.


Storm force winds crossing the northwest. Windy elsewhere, rain clearing east with squally showers following. Showers will become increasingly wintry with snow in the north and over hills by morning.


A windy day with sunshine and blustery showers for most. Showers will be wintry, especially in the north where the winds will also be strongest. Feeling colder than of late. Updated: 0320 on sample date and year