Grading System

Last Wednesday I turned in my research proposal, and tomorrow I will turn in my other second term essay, for my Health and Ageing course. So the waiting game begins–waiting for grades, that is. As I may have mentioned in the past, the UK grading system and US grading system are quite different–so much so that when I received my marks on my last set of essays and both of them were below 70%, my brain went into Red Alert and I had to quickly confirm with my classmates that I had not failed. Below is a chart comparing the two grading systems. The US grading system I have listed here is what it was for me from primary school through my undergraduate studies at the University of Iowa, but I'm sure there are places in the United States where it's different–however this scale, or a similar one, is fairly commonplace. And the UK standards listed are taken directly out of my student handbook. I'd also like to point out that I don't have experience in a postgrad program in the States, so I may be completely comparing apples to oranges–but I just wanted to give it a go!

United States  United Kingdom 
93-100%: A, Excellent  70% & above: Distinction 
85-93%: B, Very good  60-69%: Merit 
78-85%: C, Average  50-59%: Pass 
70-77%: D, Below average  40-49%: Tolerated Fail 
Below 69%: F, Failure  Below 40%: Fail