Student Health & Safety
Student Health & Safety

The University has a responsibility to ensure the health and safety of all staff, students and visitors. It is a legal requirement that the University should provide a safe working environment and ensure that all safe working practices are followed. Equally, everyone connected to the University has the responisibility to comply and ensure they take care of themselves and others.

The University fully accepts it's responsibilities to strive for and to achieve excellence in all operations, including health and safety.

All students are responsible for the health and safety of themselves and others who may be affected by their actions. Students are required to comply with the University Health and Safety Policy. Individual schools may have their own health and safety procedures relevant to particular activities, equipment or protective clothing, which students will be made aware of at induction and /or during the course of their studies where it is applicable.

The University has a crisis management plan which can be inspected upon request.

Fire Evacuation Procedure

The purpose of the procedures is to ensure safe evacuation of the University's premises in the event of a fire or other emergency.

Emergency Alarms

The emergency evacuation alarm is a siren. In the event of the sounding of the alarm all persons should evacuate the buildings following the procedures set out below.

Action to be taken by Students

Leave the building by the nearest designated emergency exit in accordance with the instructions given by staff, closing doors as directed.

Assist disabled students as required. In the event that any disabled student is unable to be evacuated, you should assist the member of staff to ensure the Controller is aware of the location of the disabled student, and any other relevant information which may assist in the evacuation of that student.

Do not re-enter unless advised by a member of staff known to you.

On no account use lifts.

Do not take holdalls, briefcases or any other bulky items which would impede evacuation. Do not go searching for personal belongings.

On evacuation report to the designated assembly point irrespective of the exit by which the building was evacuated. Do not congregate in any area which is not an assembly point and do not leave the assembly point unless authorised by a recognised member of staff. Please note, there are no internal assembly points.

If you are concerned that another student has not been able to evacuate the building please advise a member of staff of that person's last known location.

First Aid

Only a suitably qualified person should give first aid treatment. If you require first aid treatment, please ask either your academic supervisor or a technician who will arrange for first aid treatment to be administered. Alternatively, ring the following emergency numbers: 666 (any internal phone) or 01204 903666 (any phone)

Accident Reporting

Always report all accidents, no matter how minor, and make sure an accident report form is filled in. You should report all accidents to your academic supervisor as soon as possible. This will include if you have an accident when not on the University's premises but you are undertaking an activity sanctioned by the University e.g. field trips.

If the accident takes place on the University premises - other than your normal place of study - you should ensure you report it to a suitable member of the University's staff i.e. site supervisors, library supervisor etc. You can contact the site supervisors by ringing one of the emergency contact numbers given for first aid treatment (above). Always ensure that you inform your academic supervisor as soon as possible.

Smoke Free Policy

It is the policy of the University that all our workplaces are smoke free, and all students and employees have a right to work and study in a smoke free environment. Smoking is prohibited in all public buildings and around their entrances and open windows. This ensures that smoke does not enter a building from outside and that people entering or exiting the premises are not exposed to second-hand smoke. Should someone become exposed to second-hand smoke in this way, they have the right to request that the smoker moves and the smoker is expected to respect that request.